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  2021-05-24 11:23:08    
序号 论文题目 期刊或会议名称 期刊级别
1 SWEclat:A Frequent Itemset Mining Algorithm over Streamig Data using Spark Streaming Journal of Supercomputing SCI
2 A Survey of Parallel Clustering Algorithms Based on Spark Scientific Programming SCI
3 Experimental study on the effects of Miller cycle with high compression ratios on performance and emissions of downsized turbocharged GDI engine Advances in Mechanical Engineering SCI
4 Nitrogen-doped porous carbon as cathodes for aluminum-ion batteries Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures SCI
5 Wind-driven pumping flow ventilation of highrise buildings: effects of upstream building arrangements and opening area ratios Science of the Total Environment SCI
6 An analytical model of cylindrical double-arrowed honeycomb with negative Poisson’s ratio International Journal of Mechanical Sciences SCI
7 On the low-velocity impact responses of auxetic double arrowed honeycomb Aerospace Science and Technology SCI
8 Uncovering rotational multifunctionalities of coupled Kresling modular structures Extreme Mechanics Letters SCI
9 Comparison of four-wheel-drive hybrid powertrain configurations Energy SCI
10 An Integrated Approach for Instability Analysis of Lattice Brake System Using Contact Pressure Sensitivity IEEE Access SCI
11 Effect of Surfactant on the Electrochemical Performance of FeS2 Synthesized by Hydrothermal Method International Journal of Electrochemical Science SCI
12 The sinking behavior of micro–nano particulate matter for bisphenol analogues in the surface water of an ecological demonstration zone, China Environmental Science Processes & Impacts SCI
13 Risk assessment of floodwate resources utilization in water transfer projects based on an improved cloud model Water Supply SCI
14 Do Individuals With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Obsessive=Compulsive Personality Disorder Share Similar Neural Mechanisms of Decision -making Under Ambiguous Circumstances? frontiers in Human Neuroscience SCI
15 The influence of the curing process on the shearthickening performance of RMG and property optimization RSC Advances SCI
16 Investigation of nitrogen pollutants transformation and its pathways along the long-distance perchlorinate draw water distribution system Chemosphere SCI
17 Safety analysis of deep foundation excavation in water-rich soft soils based on bim. Mathematical problems in engineering SCI
18 Application of Sponge Urban Design Concept in River Watercourse Landscape Renovation Journal of coastal research SCI
19 Selection and Application of Garden Plants in the Construction of Sponge City in Northwest China Journal of coastal research SCI
20 Factors Influencing the Rheological Properties of MRSP Based on the Orthogonal Experimental Design and the Impact Energy Test Advances in Materials Science and Engineering SCI
21 Shear thickening effect of a multifunctional magnetorheological gel: the  influence of cross-linked bonds and solid particles Smart Materials and Structures SCI
22 Comparative analysis of soil heavy metal pollution on different roads: a case study in a typical industrial city of china APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH SCI
23 Fabrication of a Novel Antifouling Polysulfone Membrane with in Situ Embedment of Mxene Nanosheet International journal of environmental research and public health SCI
24 Investigating the role of colloids on the distribution of bisphenol analogues in surface water from an ecological demonstration area, China Science of the Total Environment SCI
25 Risk Assessment Method and Application of Embankment Engineering Based on Cloud Model Journal of Coastal Research SCI
26 Enhancing the anaerobic bioconversion of complex organics in food wastes for volatile fatty acids production by zero-valent iron and persulfate stimulation Science of the Total Environment SCI
27 Promoting the anaerobic production of short-chain fatty acids from food wastes driven by the reuse of linear alkylbenzene sulphonates-enriched laundry wastewater Bioresource Technology SCI
28 Potentials and challenges of phosphorus recovery as vivianite from wastewater: A review Chemosphere SCI
29 Approach to the erosion threshold of cohesive sediments Ocean Engineering SCI
30 In-situ shear strength of compacted demolition waste Powder Technology SCI
31 Peak shear strength of compacted GMZ bentonites in saline solution Engineering Geology SCI
32 The solitary waves, quasi-periodic waves and integrability of a generalized fifth-order Korteweg-de Vries equation WAVES IN RANDOM AND COMPLEX MEDIA SCI
33 Uncertainty assessment of extreme flood estimation in the Dongting Lake basin,China Hydrology Research SCI
34 Facile synthesis of Co-doped VO2(B) as the Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Enhanced Electrochemical Performance Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. SCI
36 Hydrogeochemistry characteristics and source identification based on box-plot:a case study in Zhangji Coalmine of Huainan, China ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES SCI
37 Differences in Hydro-chemical Characteristics and Genesis of Sandstone Fissure Water from the Roof and Floor: A Case Study in Haizi Coal Mine, Northern Anhui Province, China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences SCI
38 Spatiotemporal analysis of ecological vulnerability and management in the Tarim River Basin, China Science of the Total Environment SCI
39 Dynamic projection of ecological risk in the Manas River basin based on terrain gradients Science of the Total Environment SCI
40 Uncertainty assessment of extreme flood estimation in the Dongting Lake basin, China Hydrology Research SCI
41 CMIP5 projected changes in temperature and precipitation in arid and humid basins Theoretical and Applied Climatology SCI
42 Cumulative ecohydrological response to hydrological processes in arid basins Ecological Indicators SCI
43 Multidimensional critical regulation model for sustainable water resources regulation in a typical arid area of the Manas River watershed Desalination and Water Treatment SCI
44 Financial Risk Eatly Warning of Liste Companies Based on Brain Nerve Theories---A Case Study NeuroQuantology SCI
45 Ecotoxicity and environmental fates of newly recognized contaminants-artificial sweeteners: A review Science of the Total Environment SCI
46 Efficient production of short-chain fatty acids from anaerobic fermentation of liquor wastewater and waste activated sludge by breaking the restrictions of low bioavailable substrates and microbial activity Bioresource Technology SCI
47 Synergistic effects of iron and persulfate on the efficient production of volatile fatty acids from waste activated sludge: Understanding the roles of bioavailable substrates, microbial community & activities, and environmental factors Biochemical Engineering Journal SCI
48 Optimal Allocation Model of Water Resources in Tidal Flat Development of Coastal Areas Journal of Coastal Research SCI
49 Fractal model for the correlation felating total suction to water content of bentonites world scientific SCI
50 Fractal approach to erosion  thershold of bentonites world scientific SCI
51 Shear strength of granular materials based on fractal fragmentation of particles powder technology SCI
52 The fractal evolution of particle fragmentation under different fracture energy powder technology SCI
53 Stream-Flow Forecasting Based on Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Attention IEEE access SCI
54 Relationship between Environmental Information Disclosure and Cost of Equity of Listed Companies in China’s Marine Industry Journal of Coastal Research SSCI
55 过度阐释:巴赫金复调小说理论接受的主体研究 文学跨学科研究 A&HCI
56 DisCANTree:A distributed algorithm for incremental frequent itemset mining based on MapReduce Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Machine Learning and Computer Application EI
57 MRClose.A parallel algorithm for closed frequent itemset mining based on MapReduce Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Robotics Systems and Vehicle Technology EI
58 Physical and mechanical characteristics, parameter optimization of deep rock of coal mine and its application TEST Engineering & management EI
59 Study on early warning mechanism of ecological water safety in typical watershed of arid areas IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science EI
60 The Moving Objects Tracking Algorithm in Soccer Robot System Based on Extended Kalman Filter ICISCE EI
61 考虑水平(切向)位移影响的垫层孔隙内土工膜顶胀变形分析 岩土工程学报 EI
62 土工膜颗粒垫层表面粗糙程度的量化指标研究 湖南大学学报
63 Comprehensive benefit analysis of regional water resources based on multi-objective evaluation Earth and Environmental Science EI
64 Nonstationary Modelling of Annual Discharge over the Tarim River Headstream Catchment, China Earth and Environmental Science EI
65 Frequency Analysis and Uncertainty Assessment of Annual Maximum Flood Series Using Bayesian MCMC Method Materials Science and Engineering EI
66 Geochemical characteristics and  source analysis of soil heavy metals in Luling coal mine, northern Anhui Province IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science EI
67 Multivariate matrix model for source identification of inrush water: A case study from Renlou and Tongting coal mine in northern Anhui province,China IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science EI
68 Study on the improved IDW in the maanshan reach of the Yangtze River modeling International Conference on Communications,Information Systerm and Computer Engineering EI
69 Unconfined Compressive Strength of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom Ashes Geotech Geol Eng EI
70 基于凝胶分形模型膨润土侵蚀质量的计算方法 岩土工程学报 EI
71 考虑渗透吸力影响膨润土的修正有效应力及其验证 岩土工程学报 EI
72 Treatment of  Micro-Polluted Natural Water Body by Aerobic Biofilm Process Chemical Engineering Transactions EI
73 Mutualism" -- Research on the sponge system construction strategy of Nanping Mountain Park in Chuzhou Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing EI
74 Research on Optimized Motion Control of Soccer Robot Based on fuzzy-PID Control ICISCE EI
75 Power Quality Disturbances Detection based on EMD CENET EI
76 Study on early warning mechanism of ecological water safety in typical watershed of arid areas IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science EI
77 water sound recognition based on support vector machine IMCOM(2019) EI
78 Small watershed stream-flow forecasting based on LSTM IMCOM(2019) EI
79 An Obstale avoidance design of UAV based on genetic algorithm 3rd International Conferdence on Mechanical,Electric and Industrial Engineering,MEIE 2020 EI
80 Rearch on UAV Balance Control Based on Expert-fuzzy Adaptive PID AEECA 2020 EI
81 Intelligent Fire Alarm System Based On MCU International Conference on Civil Aviation Safety and Technology EI
82 Efficient Object Detection method based on Improved YOLOv3 Network for Remote Sensing Images 2020 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data EI
83 Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks for Vehicle Target Recognition International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering EI
84 Design of Intelligent Clothes Hanger System Based on Rainfall Data Analysis CENet2020 EI
85 No-overflowing Magnification Scheme in Redundant CORDIC algorithm and its implementation in FPGA CISAT 2019 EI
86 The preparation process of shear thickening materials and the application in hydraulic shock absorber 2020 2nd International Conference on Polymer Synthesis and Application EI
87 Preparation of Magnetorheological Shear Thickening Colloid and The Impact Test of The Material 2020 2nd International Conference on Polymer Synthesis and Application EI
88 Analysis of Ground Settlement in Metro Tunnel Cons IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science EI
89 基于凝胶分形模型膨润土侵蚀质量的计算方法 岩土工程学报 EI
90 膨胀土的水力作用机理及膨胀变形理论 岩土工程学报 EI
91 Research on Equity Structure Allocation of Urban Rail Transit PPP Project 《IEASM2020》 EI
92 Research on Rural Landscape Design Based on 3R Principle Journal of Physics EI
93 Application of big data analysis And visualization  Technology in news communication Journal of Computer.-Aided Des.Appl. EI
94 论构筑“顶天立地”的崇高人生境界 高教探索 CSSCI
95 当代社会的人生境界论析 中国教育学刊 CSSCI
96 真善美:构筑人生崇高境界的三个维度 高教探索 CSSCI
97 留城抑或回乡:城市融合中青年农民工定居的理性决策 经济与管理 CSSCI
98 以汉诗英译为例看译者伦理博弈 外语研究 CSSCI
99 内部控制融资约束对企业R&D投资的影响 统计与决策 CSSCI
100 塔尔图符号学视域下在翻译研究 俄罗斯文艺 CSSCI
101 我国黄金期货与现货价格关系的研究 价格理论与实践 CSSCI
102 稀疏数据频繁项集挖掘算法研究综述 计算机工程与科学 CSCD
103 不同压缩化米勒循环和低压废气再循环对增压直喷汽油机性能影响 内燃机工程 CSCD
104 颗粒破碎对粗颗粒填料剪切强度的影 固体力学学报 CSCD
105 GIS技术支持下智慧风景区植被规划与仿真 西南大学学报
106 壳聚糖改性后的Fe3O4对Pb (II)和Cd (II)的吸附研究 环境污染与防治 CSCD
107 固体颗粒破碎的分维演化规律 工程地质学报 CSCD
108 生活垃圾焚烧炉渣在饱和状态下的强度特性 工程地质学报 CSCD